Low-Lying Lids
Why do my eyelids look low?
If your eyes look “tired” or “sleepy,” you may have a condition called acquired blepharoptosis (also known as acquired ptosis or low-lying lids).
Meet UpneeQ
Upneeq is the only FDA-approved prescription eyedrop for acquired ptosis (low-lying lids) that lifts your upper eyelids to open your eyes. Low-lying lids can affect the way you look and see things.
Our Results
1. Cut open foil wrapper and remove single-use vial.
2. Apply one drop of UpneeQ in each affected eye as directed, once a day.
Wear contact lenses before applying UpneeQ eyedrops. Administer at least 15 minutes between applications if using multiple ophthalmic drugs. See full prescribing information for instructions.